How We Help Military Personnel With PTSD
Research has shown that 1 in 4 active duty soldiers show signs of a mental condition. The most common are Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), and depression. It can be challenging for veterans and military to know where to turn when they struggle with their mental health. Stigma plus lack of culturally-competent care can keep these folks from healing.
Note: We are not VA affiliated. We are an additional resource in your community. We are confidential.

Our Mission
We are committed to providing superior military counseling for those who have served our country and their families. Our specialists have advanced education, specialized training and experience in working with the military. Therapists are masters in their field with combat related trauma training and an essential knowledge of military culture. Our commitment is to offer you the best treatment based on the top research models worldwide. We team up with you to find what successfully works in reducing symptoms and helping you progress in life. Our therapists provide the tools that are critical for your success. We specialize in you.
Military Service and PTSD FAQs
What are some signs I may need help?
- Difficulty Controlling Anger
- Lack of Connection in Relationships
- Addiction
- Nightmares
- Struggling with Readjustment
- Struggling with Military Injury
- Flashbacks
- Intrusive Thoughts
- Feelings of Low Self-Worth
- Difficulty Concentrating
- Changes in Appetite
- Signs of Sexual Trauma
- Changes in Sleep Schedule
Why Is It Important to Address Trauma?
Trauma does not go away with time. It can cause a lasting impact that will build upon itself and surface in many areas of your life. Untreated trauma can cause enough stress that individuals may seek unhealthy coping mechanisms to take away the pain. Trauma also can create negative core beliefs about yourself that can leak out into different areas of your life.
Addressing trauma with a therapist can help you lead a happier, less stressful life. To request an appointment with a counselor at our offices in Salt Lake City, contact us.
How Does PTSD Relate to Trauma?
Not everyone who experiences trauma will necessarily be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Individuals who feel they may have PTSD may show symptoms like:
- Insomnia or Nightmares
- Flashbacks
- Hyperarousal
- Inability to Relax
- Avoidance of Certain Situations
How Do I Cope?
Get moving. Trauma disrupts the natural balance of your body. Your nervous system gets “stuck.” Exercising for at least 30 minutes most days can help put your nerves at rest. Rhythmic exercises involving both your arms and legs are best.
Don’t isolate yourself. Many feel the need to withdraw from others following a traumatic event. Isolation only makes things worse. Connect with others face to face. A network of support will help you heal.
Take care of your health. Along with meditation techniques such as mindful breathing, getting plenty of sleep and eating a well-balanced diet go a long way. Having a healthy body can increase your ability to cope with the effects of trauma.
At Phoenix Rebellion Therapy, we will work with you to develop additional healthy coping skills. Call or contact us online to schedule an appointment.
Do I need counseling?
If you feel you have experienced trauma or PTSD, it is important to address these issues and work through them with an experienced professional. We are committed to easing the stresses of everyday life and working with individuals to overcome traumatic events. Please consider counseling if you are:
- Having Trouble Functioning at Home or Work
- Suffering From Fear, Anxiety, or Depression
- Unable to Form Close, Satisfying Relationships
- Terrifying Memories, Nightmares, or Flashbacks
- Avoiding More and More Triggers
- Avoiding Things That Remind You of the Trauma
- Feeling Numb and Disconnected From Others
- Using Alcohol or Drugs to Feel Better
I Tried Therapy Elsewhere & It Didn’t Help. What Now?
Unfortunately, many individuals have tried talking to a therapist about their trauma for years on end without finding relief. Although many therapists say that they can treat trauma, statistics show otherwise. Researchers have found 60% of current therapists cannot name the top three interventions that should be used to help reduce trauma or PTSD.
Our therapists are highly trained trauma experts. We are committed to easing the stresses induced by trauma and PTSD and helping you lead a bright, beautiful future. We specialize in working with military personnel and veterans, but our techniques are designed to help every individual.
What if I think I have PTSD?
It can be challenging to ask for help. In fact, the first step is usually the hardest. Living with untreated PTSD can affect your daily functioning, your work, your relationships, and your general well-being. It’s important to speak with a professional who can assess your symptoms, diagnose you, and offer treatment options.